Monday, November 19, 2018

Little business Part 2

Today it was our chance to be shopkeepers.

Our friends from Room 4 came in with their Aylett dollars ready to spend. There was a definite buzz in the classroom as the children were all busy selling and buying.

Little business Part 1

This term we have been learning about little business and money. 

In preparation for our mini market, we have been busy producing products to sell, earning 'coins' in our piggy banks and thinking about being a customer and a shopkeeper.

 Over the term, have made dream catchers, baubles, Christmas notebooks, little windmills, crowns and mirrors,  bird feeders and will be making cookies. 

We had the chance to use our piggy bank coins and go shopping in Room 4. The children were great customers, all using their manners, thinking about how much they could afford and buying wisely.

Little business Part 2

Today it was our chance to be shopkeepers. Our friends from Room 4 came in with their Aylett dollars ready to spend....